As today marks 4 weeks since the Cobb County Prayer Breakfast, we would like to encourage you to visit our website where you will find videos from the morning. We hope hearing once again prayers and thoughts from that morning such as Ken Crosson’s powerful testimony and listening to Turner Chapel’s Closing song ….. that doing so will reinforce for you the power of prayer and the importance of praying for our community on a daily, not just yearly, basis.

To find the videos, you can go to the Cobb County Prayer Breakfast website ( and click “About” and choose “Past Prayer Breakfasts” or, you may go directly to the Videos page by clicking this link:

At the end of the breakfast, we were challenged to pray for all three areas during the year and to try to live out Micah 6:8 which states “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

The question now becomes “how do we live up to that challenge?” How do we make the Cobb County Prayer Breakfast more than just a one morning event but instead, how to help it be a catalyst for yearlong prayer for our nation, our community and our schools?

We hope that these videos will inspire you to pray for our community on a regular basis.

Thank you,

The Cobb County Prayer Breakfast Committee